We are all beautiful is an artistic body acceptance project. Nowadays, the mass media make us believe that beauty lies only in the perfect and artificial bodies we see in movies, magazines or television shows. We are here to deffend the idea that every human being is gorgeous, no matter the gender, ethnicity, age or size.

We need your help to perform our project. It is very easy:
1. Take some pictures of you fully clothed
2. Take some pictures of your nude body. You can either show your face or hide it. Optionally, you can hold a paper with a self-description (your age, weight, nationality or any characteristics that define you). No need to say, you must be over 18 years of age!
3. Send us the pics to bodyacceptanceproject@gmail.com and we will post them here.

Please, don't be shy about your body. IT IS BEAUTIFUL. You don't need to look like a top model or a Hollywood actor. The exact point of this project is making people feel self-confident and love their own bodies the way they look. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Warning: we will NOT post any erotic or pornographic pictures. This is not about sex. If that's what you are looking for, you are at the wrong site.

With this global project we want to extend the awareness that any human body has imperfections, but that is exactly what makes us so beautiful. Please, spread the words, send your friends a link to our site and post it on internet sites and forums. Together we'll build this big homage to human beauty!

Super-tall, clumsy, with beautiful eyes and gorgeous

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